i don't know how i could really type it out and explain it. If you didn't figure it out already, just e-mail me the pic(s) and tell me where you want them to go.
So our focus is on implementing a program in which animals that are kept in shelters and normally put to sleep can be put to use that in some way enriches lives and benefits society. We said that this would need to be highly regulated to ensure that placement of the animals works. Should we start out bey drafting a bill from our idea or researching to see if similar bills exist for other states and how they operate?
So should we start by checking out the existing animal shelter system in New Jersey, more specifically their policy for unplaced animals? I know that in Oklahoma and Texas they do that whole prison Rodeo and animal care program as a part of their rehabilitation program for the inmates. I know that one of our targets for use of animals was in that direction so I can research that. We can look into Animal Policy in NJ.
So should we start by checking out the existing animal shelter system in New Jersey, more specifically their policy for unplaced animals? I know that in Oklahoma and Texas they do that whole prison Rodeo and animal care program as a part of their rehabilitation program for the inmates. I know that one of our targets for use of animals was in that direction so I can research that. We can look into Animal Policy in NJ.
lets meet sometime before 2pm on Wed, in the cook campus center. I do not have any classes in the morning, so let me know what time works best for everyone else.
sorry, i wasnt on campus at 5pm to meet. so, i was thinking we should look into placing pets with prison inmates. I have found a few successful programs that other states have done and i have looked into local shealters in NJ. let me know what you guys have been working on.
Hey guys. I was at work yesterday until 5 then had to head into philly. I think it's a good idea that we should meet up and discuss our individual responsibilities on this, ie which aspect of our idea each person should research. I really like our prison/hospital rehab idea. I've been reading above and I see we haven't found much on animals being used in the classroom or as an educational aid. I will look into this for now. Let's figure out everyone's availability to meet up. :o)
I am writing the program proposal there are already a few systems in place but they all us dogs bred for service, Rob is looking into how other systems operate, Jake is doing the money- where all our funds come from, Kristen is researching the psychologically beneficial aspects of the human animal bond, I started to research the number of animals uthinized in shelters each year and it is millions. if you want you can keep looking into what you are already doing are I can split of something off something for you. I think that what you are doing is perfect though because we can never have enough background information as to support our proposal. Just let me know if you want some direction.
Kaitrin Branning Dr. Fagan Colloquium: Issues in Animal Agriculture and Research 10 November 2007
Program Proposal: New Jersey Inmate and Animal Rehabilitation and Enrichment Program Anyone who has had the privilege of developing a friendship with an animal is aware of the psychological benefits that relationship can bring. Both animals and humans seek a common goal of companionship. Through this friendship we both gain the ability to enrich each others lives, learn from each other, and share a common joy of each others company. The list of psychological benefits animals can have on a person’s life is endless and is the focus of this proposal. To date a few programs exist that utilize the social benefits of cross species relationships. Our goal is to develop a program that is unique from others by seeking to not only make use of this relationship as a rehabilitative mechanism for prison inmates, but for animals as well. In the state of New Jersey a few programs in existence that allow inmates to aid in training service dogs. We would like to implement a program that uses shelter animals that would have otherwise been euthanized rather than animals bred for service. Each year more than 12 million dogs and cats are euthanized because shelters have been unable to place them in homes (1). Society has unfortunately failed these animals. Since shelters lack the resources to rehabilitate and train these animals they are very difficult to place. The fact is that we have the resources in a place that we have over looked. In the state of New Jersey there are 14 major Correctional Institutions which collectively house 23,000 inmates (2). Many inmates have lost their ability to trust people and this is a key aspect of our program. Their trust has diminished toward people because in their eyes society has failed them similarly to animals that have been abused or neglected. Therapy consists of rehabilitation focused on a one on one relationship between therapist and patient. For therapy to work the patient must trust the therapist. This is where current methods of inmate rehabilitation go wrong. If an inmate is unable to trust another person how can this system work? Our rehabilitation program comes at this issue from a different angle. There is a chance for rehabilitation and reintroduction into society if we enable it. We often find ourselves to have more faith in animals than members of our own species. This program uses animals as a tool for inmate rehabilitation. Inmates will learn responsibility for another, have a daily purpose, and develop a therapeutic relationship with an animal. Let us not forget the other aspect of our program, the animals. A schedule of classes would be provided in which the inmate learns the appropriate techniques for training their animal. Animals will be housed in a facility located on the prison premises and will be cared for by the prisoners everyday. Through training and care for the animal the inmates develop a friendship with the animal. At the end of their sentence or rehabilitation the inmates will be given the opportunity to have first adoption choice of the animal before the animal is put up for public adoption. Money for the program would come from existing fund redirected form other existing programs that have been evaluated and determined to be either over funded or has had insufficient results. The program would be self sustaining by the money earned from adopting the animals. If enough promotion exist a television series or magazine could be developed that tracks each inmate and animals journey. A back story would be provided of the animals life struggles as well as the individuals. In conclusion, the beneficial aspects of implementing a program such as this are endless. Since this country lacks the resources to rehabilitate and train feral or abused animals, we euthanize millions. Our program seeks to end this cycle by redirecting already existing resources. The inmates and animals as well as society would benefit from the existence of such a program. Goal: To develop a program that utilizes animals that would normally be destroyed in shelters each year. Animals would be used as aids in the rehabilitation of prison inmates. Inmates will be assigned an animal and given the animal’s background information. Through caring, training and rehabilitation of the animal the inmate will learn responsibility, affection, and have a daily focus and purpose. Together the two will embark on a journey of self-discovery.
Colloquium Project 1.) Kai Brannning: Research the documented psychological benefits of the human animal relationship. Research existing programs and how they operate. Find number of animals euthanized in the US each year. 2.) Christine Dobroski: Find the number of state funded animal shelters in New Jersey and the number of animals euthanized in New Jersey. Research existing prisoner rehab programs using animals. Research existing prisoner rehab programs using animals. 3.) Jake Leff: Funding –can use already existing programs as a model. Where are we going to get the money from? Outline financials. Research how existing rehab programs in prisons are funded. 4.) Kristen Lewis: How/where would store the animals. Use existing programs as a model. The money for care of the animals comes from funding, so you and Jake will overlap a bit. Research existing prisoner rehab programs using animals. 5.) Rob Faruuggia- Number of prison in the state of NJ and number of prisoners. The number of second time offenders. How are prisons funded-state/ federal? Need to research the existing rehabilitation programs in use.
We need to figure out where we would like to go with our program and how we intend to get it there.
Goal: To take an existing program in the state of New Jersey and expand it throughout the state to all prisons and juvenile detention centers. We want to use the therapeutic value of pets as a mechanism for rehabilitation on prison inmates. We also want to rehabilitate and place abused shelter animal that would have otherwise been euthanized. Our main goal is to reduce the number second time offenders in the state of New Jersey as well as the number of animals killed in shelters each year in New Jersey. Basically, we want to simultaneously rehab the inmates and the animals. We seek to make this a statewide program.
HOW WE WOULD LIKE TO GET IT THERE? This is something I want everyone to think about over the next few days and respond via blog site. Who do we need to present our idea to in order to make it happen? Do we want to present our idea in the form of a bill or a proposal?
I think that a proposal would be best and we should compile our findings and make a cumulative power point presentation for the class presentation of our project. I think that we need to target whoever is funding the existing rehabilitation programs in prisons- I have already researched existing programs and have found some websites that will help you to find your information (used them to write the rough draft of our proposal) I will post them on the site.
So let me know what you guys think. If anyone has any ideas or thoughts- notices something I am missing please let me know. We need to get together at the beginning of next week and put this together because it is DUE 11/30! So over the break everyone suggest a good time on Monday or Tuesday so we can get this together.
Hey guys... just wondering what everyones schedule is looking like. I have class and work all day monday, so I can't meet today, but i'm free tuesday, until 5:30pm. Let me know when you are avabiable to meet up. Hope everyone had a great break!
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am basically done with my section of our project, and I am ready to go over everything. As for when to meet, I am really really busy during the day usually, so I'd say it'd be best for me to meet in the evening. Talk to you guys soon.
I am done with my portion of the project researched all the psych benefits, employability, and percentage of inmates who are involved in the program that do not commit second offense once released. Can meet tomorrow at 4 if that is good with others.
jake here are the sites and Kristen these are perfect for your research too. http://members.tripod.com/~prisonp/ http://www.4pawsforability.org/roverrehab.htm
ok so now that we can just sumbit it online at sakai we need to send all of our word docs to one person so they can combine it into one giant proposal.
my portion is pretty long, but we shouldn't worry about the length of the research. Just make it at long as it needs to be inclusive of all the important information... Does anyone want to volunteer to put our project portions together?
yeah if everyone can email me what they have done ill put it all together, but rob can you send it to her in sakai i dont really understand how to do it, ill just e-mail you the final product to sumbit is that ok?
Hey guys. I was just wondering which prisoner programs everyone else has looked up and already made slides for. I don't want to wasting times making the same slides for the same programs and them not getting use. also, can i have the email of the person who were are submitting the project to. Thanks!
well i have my and kristen's part, i dont know how to sumbit it online, rob do you? ill e mail it to you now anyway just let me know whats up 856-220-0944, my email is jdleff16@eden
after reading the blog, i wasn't sure who was putting the whole project together, so i sent my part to Rob and Jake. let me know if there are any problems with it or if you dont recieve it. thanks guys!
Hey guys, I'm glad everything turned out so well. The blog helped our group communicate pretty well for not being able to meet up. Will everyone be arriving to class tomorrow at the normal 9:15 to turn everything in? I wasn't sure if we all wanted to go in at the same time to hand in our things.
hi group.
wow. off to a great start with the website...
yea it's looking pretty sweet.
hey. it's looking nice. have you received any submissions from the groups yet for us to post? :o)
hey i have pics i wanna put on how do i do it?
i don't know how i could really type it out and explain it. If you didn't figure it out already, just e-mail me the pic(s) and tell me where you want them to go.
alright, we're supposedly supposed to be breaking down our topic. Any ideas?
So our focus is on implementing a program in which animals that are kept in shelters and normally put to sleep can be put to use that in some way enriches lives and benefits society. We said that this would need to be highly regulated to ensure that placement of the animals works. Should we start out bey drafting a bill from our idea or researching to see if similar bills exist for other states and how they operate?
It's probably a good idea to first research the existing laws, and then start to draft our own bill by modifying/adding to what is already in place.
So should we start by checking out the existing animal shelter system in New Jersey, more specifically their policy for unplaced animals? I know that in Oklahoma and Texas they do that whole prison Rodeo and animal care program as a part of their rehabilitation program for the inmates. I know that one of our targets for use of animals was in that direction so I can research that. We can look into Animal Policy in NJ.
So should we start by checking out the existing animal shelter system in New Jersey, more specifically their policy for unplaced animals? I know that in Oklahoma and Texas they do that whole prison Rodeo and animal care program as a part of their rehabilitation program for the inmates. I know that one of our targets for use of animals was in that direction so I can research that. We can look into Animal Policy in NJ.
there already is a low cost spay neuter like we suggested
the site provides a link for the legislative process in New Jersey concerning animals and tips on contacting your legislators
good stuff
yeah those are some good sites
Hey do u guys want to meet up before this weeks class to talk about stuff?
Hey guys, so yeah, i think we should meet up this week. Maybe tomorrow or on Wed?
wed is great for my I have some ideas for the proposal.
just let me know the time and the place
lets meet sometime before 2pm on Wed, in the cook campus center. I do not have any classes in the morning, so let me know what time works best for everyone else.
I have class till 4 and so does Jake so we are going to have to meet after that. Is 5 okay in the cook campus center?
sorry, i wasnt on campus at 5pm to meet. so, i was thinking we should look into placing pets with prison inmates. I have found a few successful programs that other states have done and i have looked into local shealters in NJ. let me know what you guys have been working on.
Hey guys. I was at work yesterday until 5 then had to head into philly. I think it's a good idea that we should meet up and discuss our individual responsibilities on this, ie which aspect of our idea each person should research. I really like our prison/hospital rehab idea. I've been reading above and I see we haven't found much on animals being used in the classroom or as an educational aid. I will look into this for now. Let's figure out everyone's availability to meet up. :o)
I am writing the program proposal there are already a few systems in place but they all us dogs bred for service, Rob is looking into how other systems operate, Jake is doing the money- where all our funds come from, Kristen is researching the psychologically beneficial aspects of the human animal bond, I started to research the number of animals uthinized in shelters each year and it is millions. if you want you can keep looking into what you are already doing are I can split of something off something for you. I think that what you are doing is perfect though because we can never have enough background information as to support our proposal. Just let me know if you want some direction.
Kaitrin Branning
Dr. Fagan
Colloquium: Issues in Animal Agriculture and Research
10 November 2007
Program Proposal: New Jersey Inmate and Animal Rehabilitation and Enrichment Program
Anyone who has had the privilege of developing a friendship with an animal is aware of the psychological benefits that relationship can bring. Both animals and humans seek a common goal of companionship. Through this friendship we both gain the ability to enrich each others lives, learn from each other, and share a common joy of each others company. The list of psychological benefits animals can have on a person’s life is endless and is the focus of this proposal. To date a few programs exist that utilize the social benefits of cross species relationships. Our goal is to develop a program that is unique from others by seeking to not only make use of this relationship as a rehabilitative mechanism for prison inmates, but for animals as well. In the state of New Jersey a few programs in existence that allow inmates to aid in training service dogs. We would like to implement a program that uses shelter animals that would have otherwise been euthanized rather than animals bred for service.
Each year more than 12 million dogs and cats are euthanized because shelters have been unable to place them in homes (1). Society has unfortunately failed these animals. Since shelters lack the resources to rehabilitate and train these animals they are very difficult to place. The fact is that we have the resources in a place that we have over looked. In the state of New Jersey there are 14 major Correctional Institutions which collectively house 23,000 inmates (2). Many inmates have lost their ability to trust people and this is a key aspect of our program. Their trust has diminished toward people because in their eyes society has failed them similarly to animals that have been abused or neglected. Therapy consists of rehabilitation focused on a one on one relationship between therapist and patient. For therapy to work the patient must trust the therapist. This is where current methods of inmate rehabilitation go wrong. If an inmate is unable to trust another person how can this system work? Our rehabilitation program comes at this issue from a different angle. There is a chance for rehabilitation and reintroduction into society if we enable it. We often find ourselves to have more faith in animals than members of our own species. This program uses animals as a tool for inmate rehabilitation. Inmates will learn responsibility for another, have a daily purpose, and develop a therapeutic relationship with an animal.
Let us not forget the other aspect of our program, the animals. A schedule of classes would be provided in which the inmate learns the appropriate techniques for training their animal. Animals will be housed in a facility located on the prison premises and will be cared for by the prisoners everyday. Through training and care for the animal the inmates develop a friendship with the animal. At the end of their sentence or rehabilitation the inmates will be given the opportunity to have first adoption choice of the animal before the animal is put up for public adoption. Money for the program would come from existing fund redirected form other existing programs that have been evaluated and determined to be either over funded or has had insufficient results. The program would be self sustaining by the money earned from adopting the animals. If enough promotion exist a television series or magazine could be developed that tracks each inmate and animals journey. A back story would be provided of the animals life struggles as well as the individuals.
In conclusion, the beneficial aspects of implementing a program such as this are endless. Since this country lacks the resources to rehabilitate and train feral or abused animals, we euthanize millions. Our program seeks to end this cycle by redirecting already existing resources. The inmates and animals as well as society would benefit from the existence of such a program.
Goal: To develop a program that utilizes animals that would normally be destroyed in shelters each year. Animals would be used as aids in the rehabilitation of prison inmates. Inmates will be assigned an animal and given the animal’s background information. Through caring, training and rehabilitation of the animal the inmate will learn responsibility, affection, and have a daily focus and purpose. Together the two will embark on a journey of self-discovery.
Colloquium Project
1.) Kai Brannning: Research the documented psychological benefits of the human animal relationship. Research existing programs and how they operate. Find number of animals euthanized in the US each year.
2.) Christine Dobroski: Find the number of state funded animal shelters in New Jersey and the number of animals euthanized in New Jersey. Research existing prisoner rehab programs using animals. Research existing prisoner rehab programs using animals.
3.) Jake Leff: Funding –can use already existing programs as a model. Where are we going to get the money from? Outline financials. Research how existing rehab programs in prisons are funded.
4.) Kristen Lewis: How/where would store the animals. Use existing programs as a model. The money for care of the animals comes from funding, so you and Jake will overlap a bit. Research existing prisoner rehab programs using animals.
5.) Rob Faruuggia- Number of prison in the state of NJ and number of prisoners. The number of second time offenders. How are prisons funded-state/ federal? Need to research the existing rehabilitation programs in use.
We need to figure out where we would like to go with our program and how we intend to get it there.
Goal: To take an existing program in the state of New Jersey and expand it throughout the state to all prisons and juvenile detention centers. We want to use the therapeutic value of pets as a mechanism for rehabilitation on prison inmates. We also want to rehabilitate and place abused shelter animal that would have otherwise been euthanized. Our main goal is to reduce the number second time offenders in the state of New Jersey as well as the number of animals killed in shelters each year in New Jersey. Basically, we want to simultaneously rehab the inmates and the animals. We seek to make this a statewide program.
This is something I want everyone to think about over the next few days and respond via blog site. Who do we need to present our idea to in order to make it happen? Do we want to present our idea in the form of a bill or a proposal?
I think that a proposal would be best and we should compile our findings and make a cumulative power point presentation for the class presentation of our project. I think that we need to target whoever is funding the existing rehabilitation programs in prisons- I have already researched existing programs and have found some websites that will help you to find your information (used them to write the rough draft of our proposal) I will post them on the site.
So let me know what you guys think. If anyone has any ideas or thoughts- notices something I am missing please let me know. We need to get together at the beginning of next week and put this together because it is DUE 11/30! So over the break everyone suggest a good time on Monday or Tuesday so we can get this together.
Hey guys... just wondering what everyones schedule is looking like. I have class and work all day monday, so I can't meet today, but i'm free tuesday, until 5:30pm. Let me know when you are avabiable to meet up. Hope everyone had a great break!
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am basically done with my section of our project, and I am ready to go over everything. As for when to meet, I am really really busy during the day usually, so I'd say it'd be best for me to meet in the evening. Talk to you guys soon.
I am done with my portion of the project researched all the psych benefits, employability, and percentage of inmates who are involved in the program that do not commit second offense once released. Can meet tomorrow at 4 if that is good with others.
here are the sites
and Kristen these are perfect for your research too.
thanks kai,
ok so now that we can just sumbit it online at sakai we need to send all of our word docs to one person so they can combine it into one giant proposal.
ohh how long is every ones part, just so i can get an idea on how long or short it should be??
my portion is pretty long, but we shouldn't worry about the length of the research. Just make it at long as it needs to be inclusive of all the important information... Does anyone want to volunteer to put our project portions together?
yeah if everyone can email me what they have done ill put it all together, but rob can you send it to her in sakai i dont really understand how to do it, ill just e-mail you the final product to sumbit is that ok?
Hey guys. I was just wondering which prisoner programs everyone else has looked up and already made slides for. I don't want to wasting times making the same slides for the same programs and them not getting use. also, can i have the email of the person who were are submitting the project to. Thanks!
well i have my and kristen's part, i dont know how to sumbit it online, rob do you? ill e mail it to you now anyway just let me know whats up 856-220-0944, my email is jdleff16@eden
after reading the blog, i wasn't sure who was putting the whole project together, so i sent my part to Rob and Jake. let me know if there are any problems with it or if you dont recieve it. thanks guys!
Hey guys, I'm glad everything turned out so well. The blog helped our group communicate pretty well for not being able to meet up. Will everyone be arriving to class tomorrow at the normal 9:15 to turn everything in? I wasn't sure if we all wanted to go in at the same time to hand in our things.
I'm going in at 11am.
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