Friday, September 21, 2007

Food Safety

Kevin Oh
Amy Sobel
Patti Seto
Julie Johns
Hao Chen
Keith David


Patti said...

hey group i found a website info from the FDA on e coli it has some useful info including a map of reported cases... which we can use to market our product to certain areas of the country.

Amy said...

If we want to take the bill approach... I was looking up food safety bills and some states like Michigan and California have fairly strict standards. We should research NJ's standards and then model our bill after the other states' ideas. This way we can get a lot of our information from real and enforced bills.

Unknown said...

hey food safety group,
I was recently going over the issue of "No bare hands policy" while handling ready to eat foods. According to my research the most recent bill passed in NJ concerning the "No bare hands policy" was in Feb 11th 2002. But according to one of the newspaper articles that I read, food poisoning is occurring more so with the use of gloves than with bare hands. This calls for concern of the re-use of gloves.

Amy said...

Hey guys,
I was thinking that maybe we should try to meet some time this week or early next week. Any good times?

Unknown said...

I'm available from 10:00AM - 12:00PM friday 11/2/07

Amy said...

That works for me. Although we may have to meet next week since not many people have responded. I'll email everyone for next week.

drjuliefagan said...

There is a newspaper article Nov 6, Associated Press by Josh Funk - on food safety. Evidently Congress is now reviewing several proposals to reform the system. Get ahold of those.

Keith said...

I got a good article about a proposed bill from Senator Charles Schumer in response to the contaiminated meat distributed from the plant in Elizabeth N.J.. The bill proposed would give the USDA more power and give the federal CDC the ability to work better with other agencies to better respond to food supply threats.

arbalest said...

what should we bring to class tomorrow regarding our project??

Unknown said...

can you please add my eden account to the sakai group. My eden account is