Friday, September 21, 2007

Animal Health

Kathryn Valentine
Megan Dilts
Sylvia Jean-Pierre


Megan said...

Hey guys, I found this link to various bills that were passed by the NJ legislature. You can search for bills by subject, and I clicked on Animals and there are usually about 50 or more results for each year. I haven't found too much yet relating to animal health, but maybe something will come up. Did either of you find anything good?

Megan said...

oops I forgot the link:

katie said...
^ proposal to keep the budget the same for nj vet school contract seats, February 2007

at the bottom of this site in small print was the only proof I was able to find that the budget was, in fact, decreased. I don't know why I can't seem to find any real documentation on this budget cut, but I will keep searching! Do you guys want to propose that the budget be increased again, or that a vet school be opened in NJ, possibly at Rutgers? I think to open a vet school here would be the best idea.
Be in touch!

Megan said...

I agree that trying to get a vet school in NJ would be the best idea because I think we can do a lot more with it. We can be creative and it would be more fun!

I guess we should come up with some topics that we'd need to research, including the need for a vet school in NJ (find out how many people from NJ and surrounding areas apply to vet school and how many of them don't return to NJ to work because of lack of contract seats), how much it costs to build and run one, prove that vets are greatly needed in NJ, and how much the state will make from tuition payments. That's about all I can think of right now, do either of you have any additional suggestions?

Katie, since you already started researching the budget, I think it would be a good idea to find out what NJ's current budget is so we can justify the need for a vet school and fit it into the budget. I'll start trying to find out the number of NJ applicants and how many of them don't return to work in NJ.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! :-)

Megan said...

I think it might be a good idea if we plan to meet sometime in the near future so we can discuss what we've found and find out what we still need to research. I won't be able to meet this Friday, but what about next week on 11/9? Maybe we could meet in our classroom around 10 or so? I think that if we know we are going to meet and need to have some research done then we'll actually do something. Personally, I've done some research, but not that much. Let me know what you guys think.

katie said...

Hey... I agree that we do need to meet, but earlier in the week would be better for me because I was hoping to go home Thursday night for my sister's birthday. Any morning would work for me, but it would have to be after 11:30 on wednesday. my schedule is actually pretty open this semester, so if any other time is good for you guys that'd be awesome. If not, Friday works.

Megan said...

Hi Guys,

I sent Dr. Ralston (the vet school contract seat lady) an email and requested to meet with her to discuss our project. Hopefully I will get to meet with her before our individual written summaries are due so I can include the stuff I find out from her. Otherwise, I'll type it up in an email and send it to you.

Did you guys check your schedules to see if Tuesday 11/20 at 4ish is good for us to meet? It's definitely fine with me, so just let me know.


drjuliefagan said...

Open up comment following "crunchtime" before "Welcome" for info on what to bring in to class Nov 30

drjuliefagan said...

Open up comment following "crunchtime" before "Welcome" for info on what to bring in to class Nov 30