Friday, September 21, 2007


Mathew Pompliano
Gajendra Patel


Gaj Patel said...

Wad up Mat. Give me a call or something, we can get together and talk about the bill.

Mat P. said...

Heres what we have so far:
Project WILD, Aquatic WILD and WILD School Site in New Jersey
Key points:
*Assist learners of any age in developing awareness, knowledge, skills, and commitment to result in informed decisions, responsible behavior and constructive actions concerning wildlife and the environment upon which life depends.
*Wildlife is emphasized because of its intrinsic, ecological, and other values.
*Can help prepare young people for descisions affecting people, wildlife, and our environment.
*Activities for students K-12.
*Workshop may be held on weekdays, weekend, or after school over periods of 2 or 3 days.
State Wildlife Policy Summary
*No person shall take, transport, sell or sale, ship of any species or subspecies of wildlife appearing on list of:
federal endangered species
*The Comissioner shall conduct wildlife investigations to develop information relating to populations, distribution, habitat needs, limiting factors and data to determine management measures and develop management programs for their continued ability to sustain themselves successfully.
*The Commissioner shall establish programs, including acquisition of land or aquatic habitats, for conservation and management of nongame and endangered species of wildlife and may enter into agreements for administration and management of any area utilized for management of nongame or endangered species of wildlife.

What Gaji and I are purposing is that the Department of Fish and Wildlife send of newsletters to new and old home owners informing them of the data about the wildlife in the area. The newsletter should be sent out once and if the home owner chooses they can continue to receive it.